MALA LECHE is a radical art zine by Bad Milk Press. This zine features the art and writing of women, non-binary, trans* and gender-expansive artists and thinkers from Central Virginia, and is produced by Sri Kodakalla and Ramona Martinez, the co-directors of Bad Milk Press.

We believe that all art is inherently political and has the power to reshape society. We believe that in this time of separation, we have the opportunity to come together as never before. We believe that authentic creation is a radical act, even more so when it is shared with others. May this zine be a testament to our inevitable future, one without fascism, capitalism, and white supremacy.

In this time of physical separation, this zine creates an opportunity to collaborate and present our work outside of the gallery space in an impactful way. Making art is a revolutionary act - an act of confronting the world. Through artmaking, we assert and own our existence (who we are, where we came from, our ancestors that came before us…). MALA LECHE will be a tangible outlet for this, reflecting our own world and ideas. 


MALA LECHE #8: Transitional Joy | Eight issue of MALA LECHE featuring 20 creatives: Marian Bayker, Blake Bottoms, Sarah Burke, Dana Espinosa, DEUSDETRITUS, Margarita Martínez Figueroa, Lara Gastinger, Sophie Gibson, Jasmine, Joan, Kathleen King, Sarah Lawson, Audrey Parks, Gaby Perkes, Hadley Perona, Hayley Tartaglino, Grey Von Cannon, Jess Walters, Abigail Wilson, and one anonymous contributor.

MALA LECHE x The Fralin: Uncovering / Apocalypse | Special-edition full color issue of MALA LECHE featuring 15 creatives: Joumana Altallal, Jam Chookaew, Jade Dickinson, Zoe Edgecomb, Marie Gaglione, Jessi Giannini, Meesha Goldberg, Taylor Hanigosky, Sri Kodakalla, Sarah Lawson, Cassius Le, Ari Mosqueda, Kori Price, Jess Walters, and Abigail Wilson.

MALA LECHE #7: A Soft Place to Land | Seventh issue of MALA LECHE featuring 23 creatives: Blake Bottoms, Jam Chookaew, Erika Chu, Joanna Currey, Jade Dickinson, Dana Espinosa, Taylor Haniogsky, Mak Johansen, Rachael Kesler Palm, Catherine Kiser, Sri Kodakalla, Zoe Krylova, Margaret Lather, Sarah Lawson, Ryan Lee, Ramona Martinez, Gabrielle McClure, Gaby Perkes, Hadley Rodland, Laura Josephine Snyder, Nicole Starr, HA Tran, and Jess Walters.

MALA LECHE x CHISPA: A special collaboration issue with Creciendo Juntos | Limited issue of MALA LECHE featuring 11 Latinx creatives: Luna Uriela Berzonsky, Estela Diaz Knott, Dana Espinosa, Katherine Flores, Ramona Martinez, Arelys Martinez Fabian, Ari Mosqueda, Daisy Mosqueda, Mariana Parisca, Alma Rayén Molina Carvajal, and Elizabeth Valtierra.

MALA LECHE #6: Path of the Shadows | Sixth issue of MALA LECHE featuring 17 creatives: Marian Bayker, Kate Boland, Sarah Burke, Dana Espinosa, Adriana Garcia, Meesha Goldberg, Mak Johansen, Kathleen King, Sri Kodakalla, Alanna Mahon, Courtney Mandryk, Gabrielle McClure, Aurora Powell, Hadley Rodland, and three anonymous contributors.

MALA LECHE #5: Embodiment | Fifth issue of MALA LECHE featuring 21 creatives: Gwendolyn Bright, Jam Chookaew, Jaye Crues, Dana Espinosa, Meesha Goldberg, Laura Lee Gulledge, Mak Johansen, Lev Keatts, Zoe Krylova, Rebecca Lee, LR, Gabrielle McClure, Sophie McDowell, Allyson Mellberg Taylor, Alma Molina, Audrey Parks, Aurora Powell, Kori Price, Miranda Elliott-Rader, Jess Walters, and Abigail Wilson

MALA LECHE #4 | Fourth issue of MALA LECHE featuring 16 creatives: Kate Boland, Gwendolyn Bright, Katherine Burling, Dana Espinosa, Marie Gaglione, Meesha Goldberg, Makaela-Ann Johansen, Sri Kodakalla, Ramona Martinez, Sophie McDowell, Rose Milefsky, Tobiah Mundt, Laura Seale, Rosina Snow, Kelley Van Dilla, and Abigail Wilson

MALA LECHE #3: Window To Another Realm | Third issue of MALA LECHE featuring 18 creatives: Candice Agnello, Brigid Bartels, Erika Chu, Dana Espinosa, Kristen Finn, Sophie Gibson, Meesha Goldberg, Laura Lee Gulledge, Makaela-Ann Johansen, Margaret Kim, Sri Kodakalla, Zoe Krylova, Ramona Martinez, Rochelle Sumner & The Bonnet Maker Project, Julia Travers, Taylor Trumble, Jess Walters, and Abigail Wilson

MALA LECHE #2: Fever Dreams of Mother Earth | Second issue of MALA LECHE featuring 20 creatives: Rochelle Sumner, Kori Price, Jess (JD) Walters, Laura Josephine Snyder, Sam Gray, Barbara Shenefield, Seo Kelleher, Mihr Danae, Miranda Elliott-Rader, Ramona Martinez, Brielle DuFlon, Elizabeth Mayer, Lana Gentry, Audrey Parks, Dana Wheeles, Makaela Johansen, Kendall King, Mica Rose, Kate Boland, Meesha Goldberg, and Sri Kodakalla

MALA LECHE #1 | First issue of MALA LECHE featuring 13 creatives: Mariana Bell, Sunny:D, Jess Davis, Miranda Elliott-Rader, Meesha Goldberg, Sam Gray, Sri Kodakalla, Ramona Martinez, Tobiah Mundt, Allison Profeta, Guleer Shahab, Abigail Wilson, and one anonymous contributor


MALA LECHE is a program within Bad Milk Press and is still in its infancy and requires the need of year-round community fundraising to support paying creative contributor stipends, labor in layout and production, printing and distribution costs, as well as organizing/coordinating in-person/virtual events around the release. If you are interested in supporting MALA LECHE and Bad Milk Press, please consider making a contribution via our donation portal. If you are an organization interested in sponsoring an issue or sponsoring a part of the production process, please contact Sri & Ramona at



    MALA LECHE is a Spanish colloquial expression that can be used two ways:

    1. To define a person’s character, or to say someone is acting in bad faith (their milk is bad and shouldn’t be trusted.)

      • Este chico tiene muy mala leche, no te juntes con él. → This boy is very mean, don’t hang out with him.

    2. Being pissed off (your milk has gone bad.) 

      • Julia está de mala leche porque se le rompió el coche. → Julia is in a bad mood because her car broke down.

We chose this title for our zine because we do not trust society’s milk, and we’re pissed about it.

  • I want to a part of MALA LECHE. How?

    MALA LECHE is a roughly quarterly zine and we open up for submissions regularly throughout the year. All women, nonbinary, and gender-queer creatives from the Central Virginia area are welcome to submit to our open calls. Our next call for submissions for MALA LECHE #8 will be announced in September 2023. MALA LECHE #8: Transitional Joy will be guest edited by Marian Bayker.

    Reach out via our contact page to join our newsletter to stay up to date on our next call for submissions.